Muscle Origins and Insertions - Set 4

1.Origin: Anterior inferior iliac spine
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
Action: Flexes thigh at the hip; extends leg at the knee
2.Origin: Intertrochanteric line
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
Action: Extends leg at the knee
3.Origin: Anterolateral surface of femur
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
Action: Extends leg at the knee
4.Origin: Greater trochanter
Insertion: Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
Action: Extends leg at the knee
5.Origin: Femoral condyles
Insertion: Calcaneus (via calcaneal tendon)
Action: Plantar flexion of foot at the ankle
6.Origin: Body of tibia
Insertion: First metatarsal
Action: Dorsiflexion of foot at ankle; inversion of foot